Thursday, September 16, 2004

Good Luck, Steve

At this point, I feel like I should start to post some very worthwhile things. Yet, I really don't have anything new and exciting to say. I could go into a long talk about how I went to the grocery this evening...yeah, that works!
A friend of mine, Steve, is retiring from work tomorrow. We are having a little carry-in lunch for him (this is the reason for the late night trip to the grocery). He's really a great guy who always made me laugh somehow. I can recount at least 10 different stories through the years of him doing something crazy at work that I'll never forget. The smokebombs under peoples cars...the Chevy Chase-like falls during company meetings. Walking around the off-site facility in his underwear, pretending like he didn't know you were there, talking on the phone telling the "other" person how hot it was over there and if he could "just get a fan". We've had a lot of great talks through the years. We've had a few good battles too. This is a man who skips his lunch to stop by your house to drop off a card for your newborn baby...all while wearing a doctors mask, for effect. Just a really good guy. I'll miss him much. Happy Trails, Steve and I know you'll enjoy your retirement.


Anonymous said...

A great new writing talent. Steve is a lucky man to have a friend like you. Keep up the good work. Guess who?

Anonymous said...

Sorry I asked you how your vacation went.....

One of your thankles co-workers.