Funny words: Once in a while I get a word or phrase stuck in my head and can't get them out. Here are a few recent ones: stipend, congruity, pivot table, kevin federline, montage, jumpin' jehosaphat, and Gadzooks!!! (three exclamation points are required by law to follow that word)
Funny saying I heard: He's happier than a monkey in Bananaland.
We have a floor fan going in our un-air conditioned house. It is required that I must walk up to any fan and say into it "Luke. I am your father" ala Darth Vader. So I do that. A minute or two later, my daughter Sophia walks up to the same fan and says, "Luke. I am your brother. Duhhh!" and quietly walks away.
I could tell you that the other day, I was on my way home from work. It's early afternoon and it's about 95 degrees out. I look to my right and see a guy in a freakin' pith helmet mowing his grass. You may recall, if you are a loyal reader of this site (all two of you), that I am mesmerized by the whole pith helmet thing. I wrote about it earlier when speaking of the US Postal Service and their use of them (and I will again note that I hate the postal service...use email, phones, faxes, telegraph, maritime flags. Anything to bury the postal service and their civil servant-laden ranks of slack jawed..well, slackers. If postal employees had shovels to lean on, instantly city, county, and state road crews would no longer be the butt of laziness jokes).

Anyhow, this guy is in his ditch with his pith helmet on his head. But to top off the entire ensemble, he was wearing khaki shorts and a khaki shirt. I totally expected to see a lion jump out of the weeds or perhaps a Range Rover full of sightseers come into view. For a minute I thought I was at Animal Kingdom and this was one of the groundskeepers.
But it all comes back to this simple question: Who wakes up in the morning and says, "You know what? I think I'm going with the khaki on khaki today...and....Yes! The ol' helmet"
****See stock photo of man in pith helmet...what a goober!
Watched a good movie the other day called Garden State. It was a friday night and it was rather late for me...about midnight. I was flipping through the channels looking for anything good. So I stop on this one channel where a guy is sitting in a doctor's office filling out paperwork and this blind lady's dog quietly slips away from her. The dog instantly walks up to the guy filling out papers and starts humping his leg. I don't care who you are or where you are from...that is always funny. Perhaps the only time it isn't funny is if you are the "humpee". Which reminds me of a great line from a "Vacation" movie. Cousin Eddie's dog starts humping Chevy Chase's leg when Eddie says "Aw Clark. He's got a little Mississippi Leg Hound in him. Just best to let him finish". Classic line.
I watch a little bit more of it because it has the guy from Scrubs in it (Zach Braff..who also directed it) and I like him. But quickly I noticed the movie wasn't a comedy after all. It was part romantic, part drama, part comedy. In other words, it was a ChickFlick.
Naturally, you would think that I quickly turned the channel. But it must have been the soft, intoxicating glow of my warm television flickering on my tired eyes because I couldn't turn it. In fact, quite morbidly, I was waiting for it to start sucking. But that moment never came.
These are the types of movies that win awards and I typically avoid. I've learned that the more nominations a movie receives, the more reason I don't want to see it. See, me and The Academy don't really agree on what makes a movie enjoyable. In fact, it's not about "enjoyement" with them. It's about "art" and "their craft". Here's how you get your movie nominated for an award: A) Be very disturbing B) Make the viewer uneasy C) Be very serious D) Get a beautiful actress and make her ugly. You will then be nominated.
My criteria? Easy. A) Make me laugh B) Give me an hour and half to two hours of enjoyment C) Gratuitous nudity.
Really though, it is a great movie. I didn't know who the heck Natalie Portman was but in this movie she was (and I have probably used this word twice before in my life) "adorable".
That's all I have. If anyone has some feedback or ideas, please let me, or my publisher (hardy har har) know.
I'm so proud of you. I loved Garden State, but you know me and independent film. Keep expanding those horizons! Of course, the Scrubs guy is wonderful, I believe he wrote and directed the movie.
Also, I laughed my head off about Sophie and the fan. It's not just because she's my niece that she is one of the top three little children on earth.
Great post! Thanks for the laughs.
It is also fun to sing "When Doves Cry" by Prince into a fan. I highly recommend it.
"dig if you will a picture..."
Whoever mentioned the Prince song..that's genius. I don't think I'll ever walk by a fan without thinking of "when doves cry". Hilarious. What about "Crimson and Clover" that would be a good one I think.
After I read the last stuff I thought surely he can't better that? Thats what I get for thinking.
Loved the Luke ditty.We have a joke that bandies around in Scotland that Luke Skywalker must have been English as most of that nation spend most of their lives looking for their Father too.
As to the pith can you knock those guys?We COULDN'T pay people to wear them over here.If I left my house in the morning and was confronted with a dude wearing that it would make my week.I'd be smiling all day at the absurdity of it.You guys have too much of a good thing going on...
Looking forward to more of the same sir...excellent.
The genius who mentioned When Doves Cry was none other than your genius sister! I used to do that into the fan while working at Fulton's in the corn barn! Scary, huh?
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