Just added! This clip came to me recently and I was so moved by it, that I had to add this to the site. Follow the link below. It is a wonderful story not only for the boy involved, but for everyone else who could take part in the moment. Truly warms the heart.
I suggest clicking on the video clip toward the middle-right side before even reading the article.
Eight people claimed the winning prize in the largest lottery payout ever. 365 million, which means each gets about 15 million after taxes. I was glad to see they were just normal folks who won it. If it can't be just "regular" people who win it, then I want it to be some backwoods redneck. They always make for the best story as they go out and blow it on stupid shit. I remember hearing about that one guy in Kentucky a few years back who went out and bought a bunch of fancy cars. Like a month later he was dead broke and in trouble with the law. That's awesome! I'll bet he had a hell of a time while he still had the money.
Of course, if I won I would continue to work...that is...until they fire me. I would go to work and not tell anyone I won. I always thought it would be neat to drive my truck right through the manufacturing floor and park it in the middle of the aisle while I sat and listened to Bob and Tom and lit a cigar with a $50 bill. "Uh, Mike...you're gonna have to move your vehicle", to which I say, "Ahhh. Maybe later" I would then commandeer a big office and just move in. I'd install a sound system and a kegerator. Holding private meetings with my good friends, I would assure them that if they got fired I'd give each of them like a hundred grand or something...for their troubles.
The great thing about winning would be sharing it with everyone. I'd love to just have a limo pull up to a buddies house and say "Get in". They would say, "I have to work" or "I can't afford to fly to Vegas". But I would simply tell them that I would take care of it.
First thing I'd buy? I pair of reading glasses encrusted with rhinestones and a big medallion shaped like a dollar sign. That would be so cool.
In case you haven't heard, we are now one of America's most important families. A package arrived in the mail the other day from the folks at Nielsen Ratings. We are a Nielson Family! I've always wanted to put my influence on the viewing habits of the rest of the nation and this is my way to do it.
They send you these "diaries" that you place at each television in your house. You simply mark down what channel and show you are watching at the time and for how long you watched it. I gotta tell you though, it's a lot of work not to mention a lot of responsibility. Also, there is that bit of guilt I have when I look back and see "Joe Joe Brown" followed by "Springer" and then several columns of "Seinfeld". Of course, I'm not just sitting there watching it and doing nothing else. I'm usually preparing an elaborate feast for my family or cleaning the dishes from the previous night's elaborate feast.
What's weird is that they send you fifteen dollars with your diaries. I mean, fifteen dollars in actual American paper money. Thought that was odd. Glad I didn't throw the package away!
American Idol is on as we speak....er...type. My kids like to watch it but with each passing week, I get less interested in it. I hate reality shows and can only muster about 5 minutes of Survivor and others. But I do like Idol a bit because there is some real talent. Not all of it is good, but all in all somewhat entertaining.
I really enjoy it when they are in the early stages in the different cities. It's incredible how many people think they are good when, in fact, they are"horrible" (as Simon likes to say). Simon's opinions and mine are almost always the same and I love how he crushes these people's fool-hearted dreams.
It never fails though...no matter how bad they are Paula always tries to say something nice like "you've got a lot of spirit" or "I love your blouse". It'd be like me trying out for the Olympic speedskating team and posting the slowest time in history and the coaches would say "Well, I really like the shorts you're wearing" or "I admire how much managed to stuff that cucumber in your lycra shorts to enhance your 'junk' ". It's nice to hear, but you're still not making the team there Mr. Heiden.
There is an older guy in this years competition and I loved him from the minute he tried out. I later found out that the wife didn't like him at all. He's got a little southern soul in him and when he sings he moves a bit like a Ray Charles/Joe Cocker clone. It drives the wife crazy and she was waiting for him to get the boot. Anyway, before he got on stage last night, I told her that he would do well. Turns out, he did a good rendition of an Elton John song (Levon) and wifey had to swallow her pride and admit that he's pretty darn good. I hope he wins because he doesn't fit the pop star mold that they try to fill and I think he's got a cool, different voice.
You gotta love the balls of KFC (kentucky fried chicken to me and you) for advertising the "KFC Bowl". It's a bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy topped with corn and cheese. I like to call it "Colon Blowout" or "Sphincter Strainer" or something like that. How do you market that? Obviously, I'm not a big "Nutritional Info" guy (evidence by my waistline that is on par with Junior Samples) but this thing packs a wallop with 690 calories and 31 grams of fat. Make mine a double!
Even this doesn't look appetizing to me. Yes, I'd like the giant bowl of fat with extra lard and a side of bacon please.
Of course, you know the story about Kentucky Fried Chicken having to, by law, change it's name to KFC as to not include the word "chicken" in their title as they do not use actual chickens but instead, genetically engineered globules that posess chicken properties yet lack typical chicken traits such as feathers, beaks, feet, brains, etc... This is passed off as urban legend but I think it could be true.
I recently attended "Daddy Day" at my middle daughter Sophia's pre-school. It was a lot of fun. First let me say that whatever those teachers are making is not enough. Triple it. I would have throttled a few boys and whipped the crap out of a few others. These teachers have a lot of patience and really must love their work.
For the most part though, the kids are very well behaved and it's a true joy to see them all in this setting. There were two other dads in class this day with one of them being a Sheriff. He had his uniform on with his 9mm strapped to his side (just in case things got out of hand at snack time). He was a big dude too. The best was when they took us into this room for Dance time. He and I joined in and kinda' kicked around a little on the outside of the circle o' kids. But the best was when the teacher asked us to join in, grab a couple of silk scarfs and skip around the room with the kids. He and I looked at each other like two gun fighters in the Old West. Who was gonna flinch first? But this was one battle that I didn't mind losing as I gave him that "Are you freakin' kidding me" look. I saw the relief in his eyes as he realized he wasn't going to have to be the good dad and make me out to be the bad dad as we both silently shuffled off to the side of the room eagerly awaiting an upcoming hotly contested round of Head/Shoulders/Knees and Toes (knees and toes). Should I be concerned that I was sweating like Mike Tyson at a spelling bee after the dance segment? Perhaps some more cardio should be in my near future.
I was a huge hit with two of the Japanese girls in class. They thought I was funnier than a re-run of Hello Kitty. I once had visions of spending time with a pair of Japanese school girls, but the girls in my vision were about 20 years older than these girls and it involved a big vat of Jell-O and egg rolls. They had me in the play kitchen cooking cakes and dressing me in aprons and oven mitts. They were adorable.
It was so fun to see my daughter interact with her school friends and I can definitely see why at the end of the day when I pick her up, she falls asleep in the truck on the way home. It was a good day, but I still can't understand how those teachers do it EVERY day.
I've been lucky enough to avoid it for some time now. I knew the call would be made to me, but I just didn't know when. I thought I was out of the woods and the question would never have to be asked of me....but I was wrong.
The phone rings last night and the most powerful man in organized baseball is on the other line. Bud Selig? No. Mike Rose...longtime friend and President of the Miami East Jr. Baseball Association. He said to me those 6 little words that make my stomach churn and the hair stand up on the back of my neck...."Do you want to coach T-Ball?" My first reaction was to say with conviction "NO!". Instead, I thought about it all day today and you know what?....my answer still is "no". It's just not something I want to do right now. Maybe later. My wife said that it would be good for me and also good for my daughter as she embarks on her maiden voyage into the National Pasttime. My daughter is somewhat timid in situations like these and me being there would definitely help. But I have given it a lot of thought and I just don't want to get into that scene yet. I'm excited to take her to practices and games and to work with her in the yard, but I am also excited to enjoy watching her. It seems that it would be difficult to coach her team and still be able to stand off and watch her grow. Perhaps it can be considered selfish on my part, but I just never envisioned myself coaching (although many others have). For one thing, and perhaps the biggest thing is "patience". I have none. While I have grown more patient through the years, I still lack the required patience to stand amongst 10 or so crazy-assed 5-6 year olds and try to teach them the beauty that is Baseball. I think I'd make a good coach but I'm certain I'd make a better Fan.
Funny story. I'll never forget watching my brothers oldest son play little league and my brother was coaching first base. I was standing nearby when his boy swings and misses for strike three. Pat looks at me and mouths the word "Splitter" referring to the only pitch that could send his son to the bench. Of course, the subtle humor of the situation lies in the fact that if you know any baseball you will know that "splitter" is short for split-finger fastball and is hard to master and throw by Major Leaguers who let 'er rip at 90 miles per hour, let alone some little first grade kid throwing 15 mph.
My dad was recently required by his work to leave a job he was doing in sunny Florida and travel to Pinconning, Michigan which is just west of not-so-sunny Lake Huron. He wasn't happy to be leaving 80 degrees for 80 below.

Pinconning, it seems, is the self-proclaimed "cheese capital of Michigan" (as witnessed by the phrase 'cheese capital of Michigan' on every storefront). What's funny is that when dad inquired about where they made the cheese (envisioning some rustic old cheese factory on the outskirts of town) the storekeeper looked at him with a goofy look and said "We haven't made cheese in this town for over 50 years" Kinda like, Duh...sure we're the cheese capital but you don't expect us to actualy make the cheese, do you? The guy explained to dad that it's made up North somewhere to which dad asked, "Wisconsin?" Probably so.
Anyhow, dad had to purchase some of his favorite...limburger. Limburger, this is the cheese that is of a Belgian cow's milk cheese named for Limburg province in Belgium where it was first sold (thanks google!) and noted for it's very pungent smell. Pungent doesn't even begin to describe the vile assault it wages on one's olfactory devices. This very cheese once almost landed dad a one-way ticket out of Geno's Bar and Grill (site of the world famous OSU/Michigan game and other contests). You have to do a lot to get the proprietor of this place mad. Through all of my years of witnessing drunkeness and lewd behavior, not to mention the incredible display of cussing, I've never seen Geno threaten to remove a patron from his friendly confines. Yet, on this particular day, he almost had to throw someone out...and that someone was my dad. See, while others brought a bag of Doritos and threw them on the table and others carried in crockpots full of meatballs, dad thought he would contribute by bringing in a wheel of Limburger. As his steely knife first punctured the soft skin of this horrible cheese, all action stopped as everyone in the bar turned their eyes...their watery eyes... toward the source of this rank smell. Snickering at the end of the bar slowly munching away at a morsel of limburger was dad. To make a long story short (too late) Dad was able to maintain his membership in this sacred sect by removing his stench-laced cheese from the premises. Order was quickly restored and the crowd slowly returned to its debauchery and drunken revelry.
We are currently in the middle of a search for a new refrigerator and dishwasher. The fridge made the journey with us from our old house and has served us well for our many years together. It was always there to open up and offer me it's plethora of cold drinks and chilled meats to help curb even the mightiest of appetites. But lately, it tends to make a clunking sound everytime the compressor turns on and remains quite noisy. We once thought about finally removing the menagerie of doodles and drawings supplied by our daughter's artistic endeavors until we removed a few and noticed the amount of rust beginning to show through. As luck would have it, my current garage fridge will soon be visiting that great big freon graveyard in the sky and this one will be a wonderful replacement.
The dishwasher's health is more dire. When it begins its cycle a horrific noise similar to a cross between a jet engine and a cat stuck in a fanbelt bellows from deep within this under-the-counter beast. Factor in the cold hard truth that I end up cleaning by hand nearly half of the load I just washed, then one can figure it's time for a new one.
In my typical fashion, I start going through my chronologically sorted collection of Consumer Reports (to which I subscribe) and find the articles on dishwashers and fridges as my wife calls me "Grandpa Charlie". Next, I copy the "Ratings" page of each and fold discreetly into my pocket. It'

Most reviews point to the quality and reliability of the Sears Kenmore brand. In my opinion, they made an awfully uncomfortable jean with the "Toughskins" but boy, as their name stated, they were tough. I'd have to slide on my knees in third grade gym class a good 45 times before they'd start to wear through and mom would have to put one of those iron-on patches in them. So I figure that if they can engineer a superior, kevlar-based jean material that the folks over at Levi Strauss could only dream about then they sure as hell should be able to make a decent household appliance and possibly earn my business.
We head down the hallway to the appliance section and it's as if the place went into slow motion. The wife and I, eyes focused and determined, leading our three girls through the mist and into the dangerous wilderness of vacuum cleaners, video cameras, and big screen televisions all the while the jackals, vultures, and leeches lick their watering chops keenly waiting for their moment to pounce. If I didn't have 10 people come up to me and ask me if I needed help, I didn't have 1.
As surprising as it may sound, the night got even worse. One salesman, obviously trying to pry into our appliance buying souls, tries the old "backdoor scheme" and attempts to butter us up from the outside. He offers to our two oldest girls a piece of butterscotch candy. Ohh...you're good buddy...you're good.
But it won't work this time as I frantically flip through my photocopies to pour over the reviews. Just then I hear a "haaack....cough...bluh, bluh, bluh...haaaack". Anna's got the butterscotch stuck in her windpipe. Like Dr. Moonlight Graham in Field of Dreams, my wife pulls from our daughter's throat the candy and holds it high for all to see. I, on the other hand, was looking for a ball-point pen to insert into her trachea like I saw on M*A*S*H* one time.
The movie Madagascar was playing on a nearby plasma screen so the girls wanted to watch. We kept an eye on them as they sat down to view the movie. No more than 42 seconds later we hear on the loudspeaker "We have two lost girls. They are looking for their mother Katy". We look at each other, rolled our eyes and then moved about 2 feet to see another salesman with our teary-eyed daughters. Oldest trick in the book, buddy. I was born at night, but not last night pal!
I always love it when the sales guy, who somehow just became your best friend EVER, comes over to give you help and this time you actually need it. The best is when you say something like "why is this model more expensive than this model?" and the guy walks over to the placard, which is exactly eye level with me and that I've been staring at for the last 10 minutes and begins to read word for word what is printed. "Yeah...this one (as he guides his finger

Needless to say, we are still without a quiet running icebox and a dishwasher that actually washes the dishes.
All right, done rambling for tonight. Be sure to check the archives and feel free to print out some old entries to use to line your birdcage with. Also, I love the feedback so be sure to leave a comment or two.
You're a Nielson family? Is that like Ozzie and Harriet Nielson? Please please please watch as few reality shows as humanly possible! I'm like the Nielson's Other Family...no one give a poo what I watch! This is probably a good thing.
Remember when they tried to make us believe that KFC really stood for Kentucky FRESH Chicken? Yeah, as fresh as a chicken can be after it's lived a life wing to wing with 5 million other birds, only to be decapitated then promptly boiled til his feathers pop off. Pass me the gizzards.
I'll leave you with this:
"If there's anything that upsets me , it's having people say I'm sensitive." --Barney Fife, RIP
My job as a mother is finally complete-my youngest son is part of the Nielson family. Of course, you will be voting for Earl, the Simpsons, the Office and that god-awful Japanese show. Throw in a couple of Law & Orders, Medium and Cold Case so they think you watch something literate. That KFC should be called the "Barf Bowl". At least, that's what it looks like to me. As for your dad, one time he was sitting on the couch eating that "cheese". He has his good qualities, but neatest is not one of them. He dropped some cheese down into the cushions. I spent days looking for really stinky socks.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Lisa, I'll have to remember to put something in my next post about Barney Fife. I've watched a million Andy Griffiths in my day. Barney made it happen.
Mom, as for your shows, I would give them all an approving nod. I think they are excellent shows (as I have watched them on occassion...unlike you towards Office or Earl..) but they the only drawback is that they are too tense for me. I like silliness and less thought in my shows. Plus, I have trouble watching them because I can't commit to a whole hour of a certain show because I'm pretty sure that at some point I will be bothered by one of these damned rugrats around this house and thus, lose my place in the storyline..although Tivo can make all of those problems a thing of the past. Now that I think of it...I have no excuse!
laughing outloud about the butterscotch in the windpipe and the ball point pen for the trachea. funny funny husband.
I had the pleasure sat. of downing a few budpops with your parents at none other than Walter and Joycies home on the lake.What a great time!! I have a question for you though. I wonder if you could do a movie review of " brokeback trash". [ I'm pretty sure thats the correct title] As always enjoyed your blog. Keep up the good work! Geneo
Geno! Ha..that's funny! I'll have to write about it next time. I'm surprised Dad mentioned it..he's a little "sensitive" and "emotional", don't you think?
Thanks for your continued reading.
What was up with your dude and the blue suit last night? I know it was a fifties them and all, but geez- that was taking "dressing the part" a little too literally.
The guy in the blue suit was my boy Taylor...the most talented guy on American Idol (and a guy that doesn't fit the Idol mold). The suit was a little goofy and he actually wasn't that good. I'm glad to see the little guy get the boot...he was annoying.
Thanks for reading!
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