Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Just some stuff

I've given the recent Ohio State loss some time to sink in and I think I have my thoughts straight now. No longer am I fueled by the emotion of the moment or the pork chops or keg of beer. Three things bother me about the game and I will try to be brief:
One...A platoon system at quarterback rarely, if ever, is successful. I know there had to be a few quarterbacks in history that shared duties and did just fine, but I can't think of them.
Two... It's first and goal. You are OSU. You line up three times from the shotgun?!? This is the Big Ten, baby! This is where true football is played. You line your horses up and say, "Try to stop this" You don't dodge the fight.
Three...I read today where the OSU tight end Ryan Hamby (no relation to Erik or Heather) is getting "hate mail" from fans after he dropped a wide open touchdown pass as the Buckeyes went on to lose at home and essentially squelch all hopes of playing for the National Title. When he did it, I and another person at the same time said "And Jackie Smith has to be the sickest man in America", in reference to the famous broadcast of the '79 Super Bowl where Smith, from Dallas dropped a sure touchdown from Roger Staugbach and go on to lose the game to the Steelers by 3 points.
Listen, it's just a game folks...right? If I had Ryan's address here is what I would write
"Dear Mr. Hamby,
Your dropped ball in the biggest game of the college football season was only overshadowed, ultimately, by your team's inability to win. You are getting paid a fine salary while we should also not forget to mention your lucrative scholarship deal and your "loaner car" program provided by your greater Columbus auto dealers (wink, wink). Your dropped ball sent a shooting pain into my gut as I felt like I got kicked by a rabid venomous mule. I don't believe you should be getting hate mail. That is unfair. However, I do feel that you should have your tires slashed once a week and every time your name is mentioned it should be followed by a shower of "boooo"
My team never wins"

Scam alert! Body wash is nothing more than liquid hand soap in a fancy bottle that says "body wash" Don't let 'em fool ya'! It would be no different than if I poured some Palmolive dish soap in a bottle labeled Herbal Essence or something. It's all the same stuff, man! I think Procter and Gamble makes it all in one giant brass vat...takes a little out and throws some coloring in it and,'ve got hand soap/shampoo/body wash/etc...

Listen, I sincerely like Oprah. I really do. She is a self-made success and carries herself well and is somewhat attractive. She's helped thousands of less fortunate and does a lot of "good". But let me give you a rundown of nearly every Oprah Show:
Person with some problem sits on high backed chair. Tells the crowd his/her problem as the producer in the booth sprinkles in a few crowd shots (consisting primarily of some red-eyed housewife wiping her nose and slowly nodding that "you poor soul/we're with you" nod)
Person with problem then says something to the effect of "but I'm gonna beat it....or....but I just keep trying....or....I'm gonna make it. You'll see" Producer pans back into tight shot of another woman with tears streaming down her face as she gives the "everything's gonna be all right" look. Oprah looks into the camera and explains she's just like all of us, except for the fact that she's worth 50 katrillion bajillion dollars.
But I'll bet Oprah is a fun time. I'd like to go out with her if she ever asks me.
Note to self: Must eliminate Stedman
Sophia has recently started pre-school and my post work ritual of picking her up when school lets out has begun. I always enjoy this time of year because this is when I get to scope out all of the mothers. It is also a time where I make wagers with myself about the following "how many of these dames will actually talk to me this year?". I do an over/under game. It's still early, but I'll say out of 20 ladies, I am looking at an "under 4". Now let me say this, 90% of them are really nice people. Really. Let me set the scene for you: Thirty seven mini-vans parked near the door. I pull up in the truck and park 30 miles away. They should be running some sort of shuttle service for me. I stroll up fresh from another day at my horrific, life-sucking job. I couldn't stick out more than if I had been dropped off by a squad car shackled up in an orange prison suit. As I get closer I hear "what did you do today?" and one of them will usually say "oh, not much. Kinda hung around. Was just tired...lazy day", as I think about my wife who drives 200 miles a day and schedules her appointments to be there to take her kids to school.
But these few moments of uneasiness are immediately erased when that door opens up and Sophia (now...Anna before) dashes out with arms wide open. It might as well be a tunnel she's running through because I see or hear nothing else but her. It's such a great moment that I've gotten to re-appreciate after the summer off.
*and for the record, the ladies are actually very nice and don't treat me half as bad as I put on*
Gotta go. Please be sure to check out my Previous Posts. You think you hate this site now, wait til' you read more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love each of these the "tunnel vision" you have for your girls!

love the body wash entries too...sounds just like you!!!!!!

:) kate